Your Name.

As a millennial comet was approaching Japan, Mitsuha, a high school girl living in a small countryside village, was a melancholy adolescent. In the prime of her youth, Mitsuha dreamed of living in the big city. One day, however, she dreams that she had become a boy, living in the midst of Tokyo's sprawling metropolis. Unnerved but excited by her new surroundings, she relishes in the city life she had so longed for. At the same time, Taki, a high school boy living in Tokyo, also had a strange dream. He had become a high school-age girl, living in a mountainside village he had never been to. What mysterious force is behind these two dreams? Two interwoven destinies, of two whose paths shall never cross. Experience the tale of a miracle that befalls a boy and a girl...!
Original Story/Screenplay/Director: Makoto Shinkai
Animation Director: Masashi Ando
Character Design: Masayoshi Tanaka
Taki Tachibana: Ryunosuke Kamiki
Mitsuha Miyamizu:Mone Kamishiraishi
Production · Distribution · Writing
Animation Production: CoMix Wave Films
Distribution: TOHO
Produced by: TOHO, CoMix Wave Films, et al.
Length: 107 min x 1eps
©2016 “Your Name.” Film Partners